My dear sweet cheeks#2

As i rocked you tonight i tried to take it all in….the chaos and happiness of the day, the remnants of pink everywhere, tissue paper and birthday bags strewn all over the house, half opened boxes of new toys, and a floor that was very sticky from several dropped cupcakes, lol.  You snuggled on my chest like you do every night but tonight was different.  You smelled like a sweet combination of watermelon and buttercream icing, you were alseep an hour earlier than normal, and most importantly you already felt bigger in my arms….It was as if you had gone from my last baby girl to my second big girl in an instant.  As i closed my eyes i can see that moment, the very second that you came so perfectly into our lives, 10 days early and rather quickly (7 mins to be exact) .  We didnt even know what we were missing until you arrived that day one year ago, and now we wouldnt know what to do without you!  We had no idea how much we needed you to be a complete family.  Thank you for a perfect year!

You my dear have 6 pearly whites, you love meat and veggies, with the exception of broccoli lately.  You look beautiful in every color.  Your hair has a slight reddish tint, and your left eye has a tiny splash of green swimming among the gorgeous blue.  You are very sensitive, especially when you get in trouble and you have a little temper at times.  You smile at everyone, and are still partial to that stinkin paci that is discontinued.  You are your sister’s shadow, your daddy’s twin, and my mommy’s girl!  I love you my sweet cheeks#2




