addi-boardblogshe is quickly on her way to three! She’s spunky, hilarious, and a true daddy’s girl. She loves to try on every single pair of shoes that target owns, which adds an extra 30 min to every one of our target trips. her fav color is still purple but blue is also on the list. She wants her toenails painted daily. She tells everyone her name is big sister. she has the most gorgeous hair i have ever seen. she has developed a fascination with potty’s and wants to see them at every stop we make. Her “tan time” with spf a million puts even me to shame…she dispises water in her eyes. She can’t go 10 mintues without talking or singing. She adores Nemo. She prefers to sleep on the floor rather than her super comfy and cute bed, as of the last two weeks. she is addicted to any and all fruit. she is overly cautious. Her daddy is her hero. She stays in her room in the morning until i come and get her even though she can open the child proof door knob. i discovered today, that she CAN be bribbed! She is and always will be my baby, my first born, and the first one to call me mommy.blog11