on this day

one year ago you were born


on this day

you have become a tiny person

filled with giggles and baby conversations

and baby love.


on this day

you are now a mover,

a shaker, and a snuggler.


on this day

then and now

you changed our lives forever.


I love meeting families in this moment!  The moment when their first born is a year old.  When you have a baby saying they are ONE YEAR OLD is such a huge statement, its like a great big giant pat on the back accomplishment and a bittersweet moment bc in your mind they might as well be turning 18 and leaving for college ha.  I can remember it like it was yesterday in my own life…how you look at your baby and think “how on earth have you been with us for a YEAR?” but yet you remember every second of that year, every diaper change, every transition, every squeal from suddenly rolling over…and then you think there is not a chance you will ever forget these moments, there is just no way.  Becoming a parent, becoming a family is a slow and tedious task filled with worry but also the most magical, amazing, monumental time.  I remember sitting over cheeks #1 watching her breathe, watching her sleep, just simply watching her grow with every single minute right in front of my eyes.

© chubby chek photography spring tx family photographer