so last year i decided to jump in the water and challenge myself to try something i knew nothing about HERE . One of the things i love so much about this journey of mine is that i don’t think i can ever stop learning, like i don’t think i will ever reach a point where i know it all, so its a daily challenge, every step, every session, every edit brings with it a new lesson. underwater photography fascinates me…there is something therapeutic for me about the quiet stillness of being underwater, but its also like you are freezing moments you aren’t even supposed to see…Well this summer has been crazy and just flown by for us but i have been in the water a little with the girls….pruned toes, the constant smell of sunscreen, the ever growing pile of beach towels no matter how many times we wash them ha…thats summer to me, thats the summer my children will remember…you can see more in my instagram page and you see them all together if you hit the hashtag #cheekssubmerged that i started last year to keep them all in one spot!


chubby cheek photography.