If you live in our town you probably know this fabulous lady! (I swear she is friends with every single person who lives here y’all) but in all seriousness my beautiful friend will be the first to tell you she “wasn’t real sure” when i launched mommy and me minis but after reading my blog post where i poured my heart out she said she HAD to have one and i told her to trust me. she did! She’s kind of amazing like that! Anyways this mama is one of those friends, you know she gets life done and makes it look easy, she is in the business of making things happen and wife’ing, mom’ing and working out all at the same time 🙂 Her family is her world and there is just something special about showing a mom like that a gallery full of images of her loving on her babies with all of her heart! gah! every time i revisit these mommy and me sessions from last month i get a little teary …
Mama A… I love the way you love on your family! I see you running to the school for this and that all day every day! As different as each of your babies are you know just how to show them that they are special and amazing! YOU, my friend ARE pretty darn special and amazing <3
mommy and me – bass from chubby cheek photography on Vimeo.
Beautiful! Where is this dress from?!