SPOILER ALERT: if you don’t like long posts that start with “let’s be real…” you might want to skip this one.
It’s one of those days when I need to shoot some honesty into this little space. While mother’ing has always come natural to me the journey of motherhood has not. I am the queen at packing all-of-the-rainbow-colored-vitamin-and-vegetable-filled lunches (that actually get eaten), cranking out the most magical birthday parties & the most badass school project ideas around!
My kids are happy, creative, hard workers; blah blah blah but watching them grow up kills me. I ugly cry in my closet at least an hour before every single one of those magical birthday parties because I feel like our lives are flying by & I spend too much time on my computer editing or my phone scrolling.
For every “rainbow” lunch there is usually a grab and go fast food dinner as we sprint from one practice to another or I race off to a session. As the days are passing my badass school project ideas are being replaced by their own even more badass ideas.
It’s not that they need me less its that they need me differently and for a self proclaimed type A control freak drama queen, that’s a hard pill to swallow. Probably because I am allergic to change, but this life, this motherhood gig is defined by change!
Embracing the invisible-no-map-no-directions-path is part of my journey! Here is the deal nobody has a map yall, no body is standing at the top of the mountain and screaming “nanny nanny boo boo I’ve got it all together” because motherhood is hard, it’s a bittersweet dessert that tastes so good you can’t stop but with each bite your stomach hurts. So for today, know this, I am looking you right in the eyes loving your face so hard and telling you that you are right where you need to be, doing right what you need to do and being 100% perfectly imperfect at it! Breathe in breathe out and go make today count!