we are little late on jan’s dyptech with both of our houses suffering from serious stomach bugs and now rolling blackouts, so in the unknown amount of time i have to post this…here is january’s dyptech…funny thing, i chose the color grey knowing it was both melissa and my favorite color, but this one turned out to be the most difficult one forr me so far….i tried several things that i didnt really end up loving so i kept coming back to a pic i took mid month while my girls were playing, love the unexpected suprises of catching somthing with my lens and not even realizing it until i upload my card to my computer and it really registers in my brain….and THAT is what this project is for!

5th dyptech       1.31.11      color: grey

melissa (left): January is usually the coldest weather we get in Texas.  Nothing like the snow I knew growing up in New Jersey, but still fun for my oldest.  I love curling up with blankets to cuddle together.  We each have our own handmade ones, mine by my great grandmother, and the boys by their Mimi.  I love watching the little toes, as they peek out…little bits of wonder and exploration.  I can’t wait to see where they take him in the years to come

shalonda (right): january is one of those months that we true texans prefer to stay inside…anything below 50 degrees is too cold for our southern bones, ha…therefore my house is filled with an abundance of princesses, magical castles, fairy dust and imaginations galore.  There is nothing better than “see’ing” a make believe world from your daughters eyes, and the cheeks girls “build” some pretty magical places for us to go.

to see the first four dyptechs ust sort by the dyptech catagory above….