sooooo the absolute coolest most awesome thing ever is what mr E brought with him….you see that book right there?  that uber-vintage-pages-glued-in-spine-glued-back-on-a-time-or-two book….yeah you guessed it that book once belonged to another superhero obsessed 5 year old little boy….and that little boy was mr e’s daddy!


i know, i know i made me a little teary thinking about it too and i didnt even know his daddy hahahaha 🙂 this is why we talk, THIS is why we work together because even a mini can have as much awesomeness as a full session 🙂

and let this be another lesson to you, to save your kids things because someday they might need them for a photoshoot with their own kids or even their grandkids 😉

chubby cheek photography tomball tx photographer