alrighty so its going to be  the…ummmm…maybe the 4th night in a row that i havent even thought about my super comfy bed until after 2 am so i am all about sharing some sleep deprived randomness with all 3 of you blog readers….

1.  we are mid renovation on part of our house and i am already going insane!  really!  ever watch that hgtv show my big huge fabulously expensive home renovation(not really but its something like that)?  i have to say those people are just plain crazy, to live like this for 6months to a year, are you kidding me?!?!  and puleese dont expect pics from me (my hubby has a gazillion point and shoot pics) but nope not one single shot from me, i have been furiously procrastinating trying to edit and take care of my allergy ridden kidlets!

2.  i hate lazy people who dont put their grocery carts away…wow people i have two kids and about $200 worth of groceries yet i still manage to get mine in the cart holder!  ugh!

3.  my trip to hawaii brought back my starbucks addiction bc the barista introduced me to iced drinks, not to mention it has come back with a vengance!  and who would have guessed iced coffee’s are more expensive than hot coffee’s?!  well thats unfortunate for me (nuff said).

4.  i am about to begin a few weeks of a MUCH NEEDED break, not that i am not thankful for all of my fabulous clients but this girl has been going full force since feb minus a 3 day trip here and there so i need one fo’ sho!  However in this time i would love to do a little shooting for me, so if i get enough comments for it i will post a casting call for an uber cool family shoot!!!!!!!  to fully optimize the location in mind i will need a fmaily that has at least 2 kidlets of at least really good walking age, but 6-12 age range could be pretty fab too!  so if you think it would be a fun idea speak up…in other words if the three people that read this blog dont leave a comment then i am nixing the idea…remember this family stuff, i promise it could be really fabulous

5.  teaser alert: chubby cheek photog will be getting some  AH-MAZING new goodies, ridiculously awesome new collections and a styling new makeover…eeek i cant wait, i am giddy but that could be from all of the caffieine i have had today….

6.  posting without a pic bc i am lame….oh and i just threw away around 20cents….who likes orange starburst anyways?

6b.  i use the word fabulous way too much, lol