in case you have tried to email or call or text or tweet or any other form of communication with me since friday and havent gotten a response….fisrt of all i am sorry and second….well our entire house is on full on sick lockdown!  two words coxsackie virus!  i remember it well when it attacked my number one about 16 months ago but puleeeze again and this time number two?!  it has no sympathy for sweet little doe eyed toddlers or even significantly sleep deprived mommies, and did i mention is could care less if big sister comes out of her room at 2 am and abruptly announces to said mommy and doe eyed sister that “thas eeeeenuff  ky-ing, and its time fur bed!”  nope not one ounce of compassion. Then there’s the random fight with the stomach bug that i managed to get during the one night daddy cheeks said he would get up with the girls so i could sleep…  needless to say I won, thankfully it was a KO for momy after round one….i think mommy minds can fight off anything with our sweeties need us.   Then there is the snotty runny mess that has taken over cheeks #1, despite the stay well vibes i sent her way.  So in short if you really need me it may take a few tries but until the girls get better i may be mia (well except for the shoot i have on friday), oh and thank goodness for my mommy she will be arriving on my doorstep tomorrow morning to give daddy and cheeks and i a few full nights of rest. 

Oh and the reno is pretty much done!  do you wanna see it?!?!  maybe soon if you ask nicely!