FIRST i have to say THANK YALL all so much for your participation in the sullivan family comment post….i have decided since yall worked so hard i would DOUBLE the donation amount and add a little extra ooomph!  so as you can see yall’s comments alone earned almost $100!!!!  thank yall sooooo much for the amazing comments and for sharing parts of each of you with me…

now onto part one of the craziness that was yesterday…..the rest will be up later tonight so dont be jealous those of you that aren’t up yet…so in no particular order…

the empitome of family….i love this family, both mom and dad are so calm and caring…no wonder they were blessed with these two gorgeous and well behaved children.


love love love these girls, b-e-a-u-tiful…oh and btw these 3 beauties do belong to a daddy but he “requested” not to have his beautiful face on my blog, lol!!!!  no i am totally teasing him!


yes these people are real and yes they really are all THAT beautiful…and to steal a quote from a dear friend…they make me want to seriously puke christmas colored glitter!


and i am sure if your jaw wasnt already on the ground from the pure gorgeousness that came above….get ready for here


sigh….i am pooped people