on this day, your thirteenth day of life. the sky was a beautiful shade of grey and the wind was cold. and i met you.  surrounded by doting women i knew you would always be loved, you would always be sweet, and you would always have a shoulder to lean on.  The arms that hold you and the hands that comfrot you do so with incredible strenght and knowledge.  three women of strength, three women with lessons to teach and one who will always give you her very last m&m.  Miss S your mom and her sisters, share more than a simple sisterly bond and it was evident from the moment i walked into the room, you are lucky girl to be a part of them.

meet miss s…isn’t she divine?  it was a true pleasure to capture your sweet baby girl and meet each of you.  thank you.IMG_9594 copy blog


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ps… you like my new props???