many moons ago i got up at 6:00 am, watched the Today show while eating a bowl of oatmeal, put on a suit, loaded up a company car and went to a real world job ( i was a pharma rep for those of you who dont read the bio 🙂  )  Many moons ago i didnt really have anyone to worry about but myself, my numbers, my territory and my partners.  well miss C’s mommy and i were partners my last year or so in the real world…through out that time we became more than partners and then one of us deicded to be all crazy and have a baby (yea that was me, what was i thinking?!?!  heehee)  i left and she moved, but we kept in touch.  Three years, later, three kidlets later and many sleepless nights later, we are not only still friends but both mommy’s.  Its crazy to think of the stark contrast between our lives then and our lives now.  despite having had two colicky babies i can def tell you neither of us would trade what we have today for one single minute of what we ad back then.  hope yall had a good trip back to SA mommy J and miss c…

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