you see this is the 4th birthday shoot i have had for mr s….i am proud to say he was one of the first chubby cheek kidlets way back when and we have been all over this city and back in these 4 years 🙂  the best part is that this is NOT his 4 year old shoot, nope def not….mr s, apparently has some issues with “being 4”, so we decided this was his “three again” shoot, hahahahahaha!!!!  if you have a four-slash-in-smith’s-case-three-again year old then you will understand the fabulousness that comes out of their little mouths.  all and all, it has been a pleasure to watch him grow into such a funny, hansome, and very talkative little boy.  This truly is the best part of what i do….sorry to get all “awe shucks” and sappy on yall…so here we go, the super awesome, uber fabulous, perfectly styled mr s, at my newest super awesome, uber fabulous perfectly wonderful new location!!!!!!

ETA:  im not sure what happened to the 2nd pic its all “pixely” (yes thats a word) but his mommy would want me to hang with my fam not waste time trying to figure it out 🙂

and i just thought this one was priceless…he was not upset with me quite the opposite actually, his dad told him to tell miss shalonda to go to time out and this was his response with a very sweet “no thanks”