578 days.

82.6 weeks.

19 months.

1 school year.

thats how far apart they are.

ya know i remember the day we decided, hey, maybe we should start thinking about another baby…having been an only child for 15 years of my life i always knew i would never, ever, ever have an only child.  not that i hated it but you can only play barbies and grocery store with your mom so many times, ya know?!  but anyhoo i digress…i remember the day i actually said it outloud, “ya know it took my mom so long to have another baby, what if that happens to me, to us?  i think we need to consider the idea…(insert chirping cricket sounds)….” and steven looked right over at me, he was sitting on the couch and i was casually walking by as i dropped this bomb on him, and said “sure why not?! ” as non chalantly as you can even imagine.   fast forward two weeks later, it was one of those weeks you have with a 9 month old, ya know, she’s into everything, fussy, daddy cheeks was out of town on one of his usual work trips and i called him at the end of the night exhausted, doubting every single moment of motherhood and i cried “nope nevermind forget it, (insert every pity party “im-not good-at-this-job” phrase here) blah blah blah”.  yep, that was that!  it was NOT going to happen anytime soon. 

well as you can see the rest is history because about a month later i spent 3 days yacking my brains out (sorry for that image) for no reason and BAM it hit me…at 3 oclock in the morning of course, i was not sick, i was pregnant!  yep we found out when cheeks #1 was TEN WHOLE MONTHS OLD that we were most def going to be having another baby well before she even turned two!  i was going to have TWO BABIES UNDER TWO!  ha, i can laugh about it now bc there are about 5 months during the year that i have a 1 yr old and 2 year old, or a 3 yr old and a 4 year old and i secretly love see’ing the shock on peoples faces when i say that! 

the reality WAS that the first 6-9 months are nothing but a big fat blurry mess, that i sometime wonder if addi got the shaft bc i was so sleep deprived i cant even remember like 4 months of her baby’hood, or i think of how camdyn never got to have me all to herself bc she was quick second child…but the reality IS that they play, laugh and live every moment of their lives together and i whole heartedly believe that for them and for me there is truly NOTHING better than that.