as i sit here editing away the images of all of my beautiful clients i swear to you i sit here with most ridiculous, google-y eyed smile plastered across my face…i usually notice around hour 2 bc i notice my cheeks start to hurt and realize i have been sitting gher for two wonderful hours just smiling at my computer screen….it’s a wonder what anyone would think if the walked by my front door an peaked in…well actually its not bc that would scare the beegeesus out of me, hahahaha…well the point is while this time of the year is definitely hard on my sleep wise and my immune system usually takes hit and i end up pretty sick at the end, THIS IS WHY I DO WHAT I DO YALL!  these all wrapped up session have all completely melted me this year!  they are genuine moment for these beautiful families!  so i say THANK YOU, each and every one of you for sharing your families with me this year 🙂
