Let me tell you little about comfort zones…i like them!  in fact i freaking love them!  If you have followed me for any number of years you would know that i park in the same place at the grocery store, target and the mall every.single.time I go.  I never order anything different or new from restaurants and I certainly don’t ever change my hair or my nail polish unless its from my chubby cheek summer pink color to my Texas Aggie eggplant fall color.  Comfort zones were made for me!  Plain and simple, I detest CHANGE!  A few years ago a shattered a comfort zone and wrote an online photography guide for Clickin moms, (I’ve written a few more since then ha).  The next year i was punching yet another comfort zone in the face and agreed to speak at a photography conference in utah, the next year i spoke to a much larger audience at yet another one in san antonio and did the closing speech at yet another one in california …and well things sort of started to get a little out of hand for a moment hahahaha and i had to put the brakes on it because LIFE and anxiety from someone who hates changing things up…i decided i didn’t need to go all “change-the-world” in one fail swoop but i could take baby steps out of my comfort zones by pushing myself once a year.  Last year was the year of travel for work, yet i didnt shoot any actual CLIENT sessions while i was traveling.  I shot commercial work (which was a whole other scary situation in itself), i helped plan a workshop with 7 other photographers and planned a styled shoot across the country, yet i didnt shoot any clients while i was out.  In walk 4 incredible photographers, these four ladies “encouraged” …okay pretty much pep talked me into flying out to lake tahoe and shooting FAMILY SESSIONS for them!  I have done this twice in the past few years but not to this level, like it was one session in Tierra verde and two in watercolor florida but FOUR YALL, FOUR!…well talk about scaring the ever living love out of me, it did!  To make a long story short I said yes, they said yes and we made magic happen!

This is Tannaz and her beautiful family of boys!  They were loud and crazy and fun oh and the babydoll baby slept through almost all of it hahahaha.  I think you can tell from the images, she has a little lover, an explorer and the sweetest sugar face’d baby ever…oh and her husband J is pretty cool too, because only someone THAT cool can pull off hair THAT awesome!