I awarded each family an invisible trophy after each session because…well tahoe threw us for a serious loop!  We had carefully planned every single thing for these sessions and someone even mentioned “oh gosh y’all what if it snows” okay well they are all from California so they prob didn’t say the y’all part.   HA HA HA soooooo funny!  except it DID snow!  two days before i was set to arrive!  and not only that but our “typical low 80’s weather” shifted to 30’s and 40’s…now let me remind you I AM FROM TEXAS!  I do not do cold temps or snow, even spring break from last year was little hard for me to handle and i chose to go to the cold weather.  Okay so i pulled myself together and got my mind right and off i went!  Daddy cheeks even got to slip away with me for a few days and be my assistant, but he was less than impressed with what we refer to as the “shooting shalonda”…this is the shalonda that lays in fire ants, stands in the middle of the street, sits in ocean waves and STANDS IN FREEZING cold water in barefeet to “get the shot”. 🙂  hence the reason i likely broke a tooth from being so cold by the end of 4 hours of shooting that my teeth were chattering uncontrolably

So back to this family and their invisible award ha, this session was the day i arrived, by the time their session started and the sun started setting, this place got real and it got COLD….QUICK!  we rolled with it and worked as fast as i we could…i mean clearly they aren’t beautiful or anything so they made my job super hard hahahahaha…but seriously love angie and her sweet family