when the beach gives you blue skies and big giant puffy white clouds…

you put mom in the most amazing blue and white dress and have the most fun you have had in ages…

all with 40 other photographers in your shadow hahahahahaha!

Yall teaching and shooting session at the same time at this photography conference is not for the faint of heart …and I’m definitely the faint of heart ha!  This was hard work, trying to talk to the beautiful family and also talk to the photographers, whew!  But i made it through and from the posts I’m being tagged in all over social media so did the other photographers!  YALL Amelia Island Florida gave is one spectacular sunset, albeit completely different than the night before, they were both still amazing but oh so different.  Galveston does this to me a lot as well, one night i will have the softest most beautiful pink and blue cloudless sky and then the next night have the most spectacular brilliant blue white cloud filled sky.  It’s part of what i love about this “job”.

Now y’all, I taught 3 classes at the conference so don’t worry I’m not done yet, I’ve got one more beach family to share!